SFNM set up a recruitment table at the Graduate Theological Union for “CPE Day” hosted by CDSP and ACPE. SF Night Ministry is an accredited by the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE) to offer Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE).
Board member, and ACPE Certified Educator, Rod Seeger, joined Executive Director and CPE Educator, Trent Thornley. Rod graciously donated the SFNM banner. Also present were former CPE students Brian and Vivian, who were on hand to share their experiences at SF Night Ministry.
Anyone with a four-year degree or equivalent, and a spiritual community or practice, can apply for CPE training. CPE is about the art of presence and deep listening. Seminarians, meditation leaders, therapists, social workers, nurses, doctors — and the like — all would benefit, especially.
Learn more about CPE at SF Night Ministry

Buddhist Buzz
Rev. Dr. Judith Daijaku Kinst, a Professor at the Institute for Buddhist Studies, greets Trent, who is an alumnus and friend. SF Night Ministry’s part-time Spring Buddhist CPE unit got a lot of attention and interest at the event.