Fall Harvest Wrap

Nov 4, 2019

Our Fall Harvest fundraiser was held at Ginger*s on October 26th. About 70 people attended, and we raised just over $28,000.

Thanks to everyone who donated items for auction. All items were purchased by bidders! Plus, our experiment with a new online auction platform was a success. Many folks bid online prior to, and during the event, even though they could not attend in person.

Thanks, also, to the performers — who donated their tips to SF Night Ministry — and to all the SFNM volunteers, event staff from Community Housing Partnership, and Ginger*s staff. Special thanks to our event committee: board member James Elerick, hostess Olivia Hart, community members Pam Dannenberg and Megan Rogers, and Executive Director, Trent Thornley. Very special thanks to Olivia Hart for hosting the event and auction!

Please enjoy these photos and videos from the event.

And look for more festive and fun-raising events in 2020!

Rev. Valerie prepares for her big opening number with Olivia Hart. Enjoy the video clip below!

Thank you Sponsors!


Olivia Hart
Becky Thornley
Gabriele Beck-Engeser
Thom Longino
Pam & Larry Dannenberg
Lorna & Bart Hill
Mary Van zomeren
Mary Russell
Elizabeth Lewis & David Thier
Jeremy Sher
Marilyn Brenneman
John Cumming
Monique Ortiz
Christopher Calandro
Roy Mosley
Daniel Borysewicz
St John’s United Church of Christ
James K Fruehling
Mark Tyx
Barbara Solberg
Bill Weber
Patrick Hall
Joanne Chadwick
Chuck Kelsey
Vic Bhagat
Joan Tayler
Ron Lulz
David Stickley
Ana B Gutierrez
Cornelia Sapiro

SFNM Volunteer Event Staff

Thank you Supporters

Because of the generosity of these organizations and people, we were able to keep the event expenses bat 13.5% of the funds received. That means 86.5% of the funds raised went directly to the SF Night Ministry!


Thank you Auction Donors

We had a fabulous selection of items for our auciton, which was held online and at the event by mobile phone. Every item was purchased by a bidder! 

Fine Dining for Eight with Night Minister and Executive Director

Lois and Dr. Gordon Peacock

Larry and Pam Dannenberg

Evening with Rev. Lyle at the Asian Art Museum Lyle Beckman
Enneagram Life Coach Session Trent Thornley
4 Giants Tickets & $200 for Momo’s Kathy Dean & Dean Family
Sailing on the Bay Gene & Angela Brabec
Custom-made Hat Abbie Dwelle
Giants Fan Collection Pam & Larry Dannenberg
Brunch with Bishop Mark W. Holmerud Bishop Mark W. Holmerud
Pool/Hot Tub Party Debbie & Steve Wilson
Handmade Summer Quilt Grace Cathedral “Graceful Stitchers”
Fall Basket & Warm Up Basket Jo Zemke & Margie Casagrande
Fall Basket & Warm Up Basket Jo Zemke & Margie Casagrande
Quilt Marin Lutheran Quilting Women’s Group
Olivia Hart Swag  Olivia Hart
Two Giant’s Tickets Mike Chambers
Two Giant’s Tickets Mike Chambers
Cozy Shoulder Wrap Scarf Barbara Ludlum
Four Homemade Pies Pam Dannenberg
Wine Tasting for 6 at Bodega Del Sur Winery Victor and Evelyn Reyes-Umana
Pasta Basket Jeanne Becnel
Pasta Basket & Bloody Mary Basket Jeanne Becnel
$200  at Cafe Claude + 2 bottles of French wine Howard Young


Olivia Hart

Collette LeGrande Ashton

Katherine Rose (Br. Karekin Yarian)

Kelly Rose

Galilea Avila

Migitte Nielsen

Sheena Rose

Andrea Goldengate

MGM Grande



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