Care Line: (844) 467-3473 | 6 pm - 12 am PT [email protected]
Our Town Expo

Our Town Expo

Sacred Space minister, Karekin, set up a table for Sacred Space at the 2019 “Our Town” Nonprofit Expo. Sacred Space is one of our monthly ministry programs, with an outreach to the LGBTQ+ community. To learn more, contact Karekin...


SFNM set up a recruitment table at the Graduate Theological Union for “CPE Day” hosted by CDSP and ACPE. SF Night Ministry is an accredited by the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE) to offer Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE). Board member,...
Meditation Group Launch

Meditation Group Launch

San Francisco Night Ministry offers a variety of spiritually-based community programs. In this way, we are multi-faith: we encourage each program to reflect one particular wisdom tradition and to live out that tradition unapologetically. By offering a variety of...
Annual Retreat

Annual Retreat

We held our annual retreat at St. John’s UCC on Saturday October 10th. Participants ranged from board members to night ministers to volunteers — 22 people in all. Our own Jim Oerther provided chair massages as we broke into groups to share what the...
Valerie Honored

Valerie Honored

On September 28, 2019, the Grand Ducal Council of San Francisco honored Night Minister Valerie McEntee with the Right Reverend Troy Perry International Spiritual Leadership Award. Congratulations Valerie! That night, our own Karekin Yarian, aka Catherine Rose, was...